About Us
our vision
- We see a multicultural community church made up of various nations, race and of all ages in Hoddesdon and its immediate communities with a mandate to take Hoddesdon for Christ.
- We see a church where gifts and talents are discovered, nurtured and maximized for the benefit of others
- We see a community of worshipers of diverse ages, backgrounds, nations, and cultures.
- And to raise a people that are passionate and committed to the spiritual transformation of society through the preaching of the complete message of Christ.

Pastor Ikenna Lewis
The entire members of RCCG Destiny sanctuary, celebrate our National Pastor Ikenna Emwegbara Lewis on his appointment as the special assistant Pastor in charge of the Region
our mission
The missions for the Redeemed Christian Church of God worldwide are:
- To make heaven.
- To take as many people with us.
- To have a member of RCCG in every family of all nations.
- To accomplish No. 1 above, holiness will be our lifestyle.
- To accomplish No. 2 and 3 above, we will plant churches within five minutes walking distance in every city and town of developing countries and within fifteen minutes driving distance in every city and town of developed countries
our history
late pastor segun
The late Pastor Segun was a gentle man, a lover of God and people. He was known for his charisma, dedication, and cheerful attitude.
Pastor Segun has been described by most of the congregants as a simple man and one that always followed up on the progress of as many members as possible in the church. Members recount the many nights Pastor Segun visited their sick ones,
helped them with their relationships and marriages and went out of his way to be there for them. Pastor Segun is also described as a man of prayer and fasting.
After his time at RCCG Destiny Sanctuary, he returned to Lagos Nigeria to be with his
wife and children and resume his Pastoral office in Nigeria. His wife and children still live in Lagos. The memory of Pastor Segun lives on in Destiny Sanctuary.
Pastor Charles Joshua
Assistant Pastor Charles Joshua is a commitment, faithful and dedicated servant of God. He was born in Lagos where he grew and passionately developed love about the things of God. Pastor Charles was ordained in the RCCG as far back as 1997. Ever since, is commitment to kingdom work knows no bound. After coming to Italy, He continued in his service to kingdom work where he became the Pastor of RCCG Destiny Sanctuary until the year 2016. Pastor Charles during this time planted another parish in Alessandria, RCCG JESUS HOUSE where is currently the Pastor in Charge of Parish.
Pastor Ogaga Oghenevwogaga
Assistant Pastor Akposibruke Oghenevwogaga Ezekiel was born March 14, 1988. He had his secondary school education in Lagos and moved to Bayelsa State for is Tertiary education. He graduated from Niger Delta University with a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical. He served for 3 years as the President of the Redeemed
Christian fellowship, the student arm of RCCG. He had his National Youth service in Ondo state were he also served as the Pioneer President of The Redeemed Christian Corpers fellowship. In 2013, destiny let him to Torino, Italy for his master’s degree and an MBA degree. During this period, he served as the Pastor in Charge of Parish
of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Destiny Sanctuary. The later moved to
Germany where he currently resides. Pastor is an example of committed and sold-out steward of the Kingdom. He is married to Busola Akposibruke and blessed with a son. Emmanuel.
Enjoy The Best Experience of god with Us
Sit back and enjoy absolute God’s presence with us.
our partners

Main activities Fondazione Banco Alimentare ONLUS coordinates and guides the Banco Alimentare Network, valuing the efforts and results of each territorial Banco Alimentare Organization. It promotes the recovery of food surpluses and their redistribution to charitable structures, organizes the National Food Collection Day and other food collections in the company, manages communication tools at a national level. Statement